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Ir. Ary Syahriar, M.Sc., Ph.D. Revisi Dokumen dan Tambahan – Repository skip to Main Content

Ir. Ary Syahriar, M.Sc., Ph.D. Revisi Dokumen dan Tambahan

  1. Performance Analysis of Q Factor Optical Communication in Free Space Optics and Single Mode Fiber
  2. Simulation of Comparison from NRZ and RZ Pulse in Free Space Optics with Different Weather Conditions
  3. Temperature Effects in Fiber Couplers
  4. Annealing  Effects  on  Silica  Based  Optical  Waveguides  Fabricated  by Electron Beam Irradiation
  5. Analysis of Three Paralel Waveguides Using Coupled Mode Theory and the Method of Lines
  6. Silica-on-Silicon waveguides with MgF 2 cladding layers
  7. Characteristics  of  S-bend  Optical  Waveguides  Based  on  Back-to-Back and Sinusoidal Structures
  8. Characteristics  of  S-bend  Optical  Waveguides  Based  on  Back-to-Back and Sinusoidal Structures
  9. Threshold Pump Power in L-Band EDFA
  10. Disain Directional 3 DB Coupler untuk Sistem Keamanan Transmisi WDM FIBER OPTIK
  11. Overdriven Characteristics of Silica Switching Devices
  12. Modelling Optical Waveguide Bends by the Method of Lines
  13. Cladding effects on silica directional couplers
  14. Comparison  of  semiconductor  lasers  at  wavelength  980  nm  &  1480  nm using InGaAs for EDFA pumping scheme
  15. Temperatures effects on cascaded Mach-Zehnder    interferometer structures
  16. A  General  S-bend  Approximation  by  Cascading  Multiple  Sections  of Uniformly Curved Waveguides
  17. Darrieus type vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT) design
  18. Performance  Analysis  of  Dispersion  Compensation  Fiber  on  NRZ  and RZ Modulation with Difference Power Transmission
  19. Modelling  Temperature  Effect  on  (Transverse  Electric)  TE  Mode  Shape of Optical Silica Waveguide
  20. The Method of  Line  Analysis of TE Mode Propagation in Silica based Optical Directional Cuplers


  1. Plagiarisme Development of AutomaticSwitching Controller for ShiftingDrive Mode in Prototype HybridVehicle
  2. Prosiding Development of Automatic Switching Controller for Shifting Drive Mode in Prototype Hybrid Vehicle
  3. Plagiarisme Individual Battery MonitoringSystem using IoT in ElectricVehicle Prototype
  4. prosiding Individual Battery MonitoringSystem using IoT in ElectricVehicle Prototype
  5. Plagiarisme Optimization of WarpageDefects of Base Pencil Box byUsing Backpropagation NeuralNetwork and Genetic Algorithm
  6. prosiding Optimization of WarpageDefects of Base Pencil Box byUsing Backpropagation NeuralNetwork and Genetic Algorithm
  7. Plagiarisme Pengaruh Sensitivitas Suhudengan Metode Couple-Modeterhadap Fiber Bragg GratingFiber Optik
  8. Prosiding Pengaruh Sensitivitas Suhudengan Metode Couple-Modeterhadap Fiber Bragg GratingFiber Optik
  9. Plagiarisme Relaxation Oscillator UsingClosed-loop Dual Comparatorfor Biomedical Applications
  10. Prosiding Relaxation Oscillator UsingClosed-loop Dual Comparatorfor Biomedical Applications
  11. Plagiarisme The Implementation of LowRPM Generator on Small ScaleSavonius Vertical Axis WindTurbine
  12. Prosiding The Implementation of LowRPM Generator on Small ScaleSavonius Vertical Axis WindTurbine
  13. Plagiarisme The Method of Lines Analysis ofTE Mode Propagation in Silicabased Optical DirectionalCouplers
  14. Jurnal Internasional bereputasi Q3 The Method of Lines Analysis ofTE Mode Propagation in Silicabased Optical DirectionalCouplers
  15. korespondensi The Method of Lines Analysis ofTE Mode Propagation in Silicabased Optical DirectionalCouplers

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